Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Official "Blog" :)

So this is my first official post. Everyone in my family seems to be getting one as well as my friends, so I thought I might as well jump on the band wagon. Things around here have been pretty fast paced lately, I started school, we moved the company's location in about two weeks, and Tara is about to have her second baby. (Yay!)

School is wonderful! I am attending Paul Mitchell The School Phoenix and absolutely love it! It has given me a great direction and room to grow in so many ways! The owners are amazing, Scott, Linda, and Mike are all so great in their own ways. I didn't think I would honestly like going to beauty school, and feared the overhaul of estrogen that was awaiting me, but it hasn't been too bad yet. Sure, there are days that I wish I could play hooky and lay in bed instead of driving an hour each way and spending 8 hours working on my mannequin, but hey, thats life i guess :) The support system and program is pretty much the most amazing thing ever. I'm so glad I chose to do this, and thank my lucky stars that I am able to do it at this time in my life.

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